“I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and who has the courage to develop that potential.” - Brené Brown
This incredible definition of leadership is brought to you by Brené Brown. If you’re unfamiliar with her, feel free to just stop reading right now and navigate yourself to her work. I’m sharing her words here because I relate to this definition of leadership at my core.
Early in my career, I didn’t see myself as a leader because I didn’t have this kind of working definition for leadership. However, I would always end up wearing more hats than any formal job description ever articulated.
This was because I was taking interest, paying attention, and taking responsibility. I saw potential and I was putting in the work to develop it. This was happening way before I was offered a formal role in a leadership capacity. Because envisioning and influencing change that contributes to growth, efficiency, and efficacy thrills me. And I personally love sharing knowledge, information, and personal experience that empowers people. Which is part of why I’ll be sharing my thoughts as a leader in the creative industry on this blog as well.